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S vremena na vrijeme svi mi trebamo nešto novo u životu i da bih bio malo precizniji, mi trebamo novu ženu (ili transseksualca?) kako bi nas odvela na višu razinu nego naša djevojka ili žena. Možda samo želimo impresionirati kolege i poslovne partnere s luksuznim društvom na zabavi ili želite seksi odmor u Tajlandu? (Preporučujem put u Bangkok, Phuket i Pattayu za ovo iskustvo s djevojkama ili za seks turizam) Ili samo tražite erotsku masažu sa sretnim završetkom? Umorni ste od izlaženja, imate plava jaja, nemate djevojku i samo želite nešto pojebati? (za jednu noć) Bez obzira što tražite, moj će vam porno popis pokazati što možete napraviti kako biste dobili ono što želite.Koju vrstu eskorta mogu očekivati da ću ovdje pronaći?
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Broj #1 ili ne, svaka web stranica u mojoj kolekciji ima nešto posebno što nudi i vjerujte mi, nije bilo lako pronaći samo one najbolje. Ali sam to napravio i da vam budem iskren, ne morate mi zahvaljivati. Samo ih posjetite i zabavite se u hotelskoj sobi s jednom ludo vrućom i slatkom curom. Oh, koristite kondom, molim vas! Znam da mi svi volimo bez zaštite i mrzimo ga navlačiti, ali da li je svršavanje u pičku zaista vrijedno riskiranja?Probajte to objasniti svojoj ženi! U svakom slučaju, život je zaista lijep ponekada, jel'da? Tko zna, možda čak pronađete i svoju omiljenu porno glumicu kako ovo radi. Pobrinite se da ocijenite i revidirate svoje iskustvo s ovim uslugama s VIP djevojkama, nakon što završite s njima, tako da ostali dečki mogu pročitati vaša iskustva.
PornDude, koliko ove djevojke naplaćuju za svoje usluge, svodniče?
Oh, vi mali jebaču! Dakle odlučili ste prevariti vašu ženu koja vam uskraćuje pičke još od kad ste se vjenčali. Mislim da je ta žena nabacila više kila od "Jessice Simpson" i mogla bi se savršeno prijaviti za ulogu dublera Jabba The Hut u Ratovima zvijezda. to izgleda kao da trenira za "pojedi sve što možeš" natječaj na dnevnoj bazo još od kad je dobila taj prsten na svoj prst i sad kad je potpisan brak osjeća se kao da se naselila i da može svoj noge držati sklopljenima. Hej, kladim se da se osjećate kao crv koji je prisiljen hraniti ovog parazita sa svojom kreditnom karticom. Da li još uvijek mislite da je brak super stvar?Sranje, zadnji put kada ste je jebali vjerovatno ste je morali umotati u brašno kao biste pronašli vlažno mjesto i drkali na gole slike ladyboya od "Sarah Jessice Parker" ili "Lady Gaga" što zvuči puno više napaljujuće nego penetrirati u njenu SSBBW pičku. Vaš jedini najbolji prijatelj vam se smije kada imate vašu tjednu "noć za dečke" u jednom od njenih pećina za muškarce i trljate joj jebenu pičku koju vam doslovno svaki dan trljaju na nos s jednom od korištenih gaćica njenih kuja, zbog čega ste shvatili kako je patetičan vaš život i ovako ćete i završiti u ovoj kategoriji na mom popisu, zar ne?
No, dajte da vam navlažimo kurac, jebaču! Cijena koju ćete platiti za jednu od onih kuja na web stranici ovisi o uslugama koje ćete tražiti od njih. Može biti jeftino od $50 za kurvu na cracku ili skupo kao $1000 za djevojku vaših snova kako bi imali njeno društvo na jedan sat. Ako želite jebati bez kondoma, platit ćete premium cijenu i većina vam ovih djevojaka to neće dozvoliti. Ne bih vam čak niti preporučio da idete bez zaštite s ovim kurvama, osim ako ne ograte ruski rulet s HIV-om kao glavnom nagradom.
Da li želiš postati profesionalni (hrvatski) eskort?
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I actually didn’t know Dubai Escorts even existed until recently. It shouldn’t have surprised me,... is an escort site with a wide array of ads that are waiting for you to check th...
MyEscort.Network is a thriving directory of sexy escorts, erotic masseuses and BDSM dominatrixes ... is a worldwide directory of escorts, call girls, erotic masseuses, dominatrixes an...
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Nairobi Divas is a Kenyan escort directory with a multitude of beautiful escorts to choose from. ... is a directory of escorts and agencies in not just Europe, but the whole worl...
Get laid tonight at, a personal classified ad site with hooker listings around the world. Find hundreds of listings posted per day in big cities, with explicit p... stranica je za eskort prepuna velikog izbora drolja voljnih pojebati ... jako je sličan TripAdvisoru, samo za seks! Pronađite javne kuće, striptiz-klubove,...! If you’re in Ireland and in need of some top-notch pussy, you’ve come to the right place. EscortIreland is a site that … well, doesn’t the name tell you all ... aka NZ Girls is a self elaborate escort directory for girls all over New Zealand. While there are lots of options to choose from, most of them specialize i... is the slickest and best tranny escort site the world has ever known. At TS 4 Rent, you can browse thousands of the hottest shemale, ladyboy and TS escorts from aroun... aka! When it comes time to buy some pussy, you have to make sure you’re using the right escort ad site for you. There are a fuck ton of them ...! If you want to hire an escort but you are not sure if that escort chick is worth the hire, you can check out reviews on escort Babylon. Members are the ones w... is a great place to connect yourself with other women and your inner sex animal. At USA Sex Guide, you’ll find plenty of girls who are just dying to meet you so t...! If you love escort beauties and you are thinking of hiring a hottie, but you are not sure whether she will fulfill her duties or not, you can always check out the esc...! Looking to get laid? Got some money? TNA Board is a bulletin board dedicated to helping you find your dream escort in your state. Sign up to browse the listings of... is an international escort site with hooker listings around the world. Browse available beauties by photograph in cities on every continent. Pay a girl for a blowjob...! Adult Look is a typical escorts community that spreads out across the world catering adult services customers and hobbyists with the best of escort services. Thes... has listings for escorts all over the UK. What kind of action are you looking for tonight? Find prostitutes in your city or search far and wide. Check out hookers ra... has dozens of escort listings in the UK posted every hour. Get a blonde MILF in West Yorkshire to suck your dick or an Asian teen in London to give you the GFE. No... is a site created by sex buyers for sex buyers. UK Punting has all the necessary information so that you can make an informed decision when buying sex services. Pu... carries all kinds of classified ads across the US and Canada, including a nice sec... is a directory of TS escorts in the UK and beyond. Wide range of shemale escorts off... has hundreds of classified ads from trans escorts in every Canadian province. B... carries classified ads from escorts, dominatrixes, and erotic masseuses in Ne... is a well-run Nigerian escort site full of cock-hungry African hookers that is ... is an established escort agency to find elite-tier sex workers across London. A... is an escort directory with adult classified ads in countries around the world. F... is the sleek-looking website of an Asian escort agency in Vancouver and makes escor... is a massive escort directory with thousands of hookers, doms and erotic masseuses listed in major cities around the world. View X-rated photos and video previ... is an escort site that services the fine folk of Australia with amazing esco... is a global database of sex workers that provides a hooker search engine packed ... is a directory of adult classified ads, mainly across the USA and Canada, with expli... aggregates escort, masseuse and dominatrix listings from multiple directories, saving... is a London-based escort agency with 150+ high-end call girls ready to give you t... is an advanced search engine for finding real-world adult services like escorts, strip cl... is an escort directory with over 150 locations across Quebec. Get laid or have an e... is a London-based escort agency with nearly a decade in the business. Choose from... is an active classified site where you can find an escort, dominatrix, or sensual...
Discreet Elite is an elite escort directory with amazing models that you can spend an evening wit...
TS-Dating is a transsexual escort and dating site with listings worldwide. Find a hot date with a... is the place to be if you want to discover insider information about a ton of... is a huge escort directory with thousands of babes listed all over Australia. Fi...
IvySociete is an escort site that features ads from places like Australia, New Zealand, and more.... is a directory of escorts, erotic massage, strippers and BDSM doms all across A... has hundreds of local escort, massage, transexual and adult meeting ads in every ci... is a next-gen escort booking site with a unique and fucking simple system for finding ...